
Code of Doctrine and Discipline

Did you know the IRS requires religious temples to have a code of doctrine and discipline? Witches and Pagans North of Dallas incorporated a Temple in 2021; all members are expected to adhere to the Temple rules as outlined below:

Code of Doctrine and Discipline

“An Harm Ye none, Do what you will.” 

We follow the Wiccan Rede “An Harm ye none, do what ye will.” The church believes in the privilege of all to seek and follow that which is right in their own faith. We believe in the authority of the individual to craft their own path. We believe in the right to self defense and defense of one’s community.

  1. Act with Love

We believe that love is the most powerful force in the universe. Our capacity to love is something that allows us to connect with more than just ourselves.  It is through love that we are able to truly see the world, its connections, and ourselves.  Through love we become a part of the greater whole of existence. We do not cast judgement on how love manifests between consenting adults, and consider ourselves to have a commitment to serve the LGBTQ+ community.

  1. Be Trustworthy 

Be trustworthy, act with integrity.  We know that our words have power.  Keeping true to your word, keeping true to your ideals, and keeping true to your community are ways to strengthen your integrity, your honor, and your power. Being trustworthy makes for stronger relationships, and also strengthens self worth.  

  1. Know Thyself

We believe that self knowledge is among the most vital knowledge that an individual can have. Being aware and aligned with the self enables a person to understand their interactions with the world. We believe self knowledge and self examination is key to a fulfilling life. 

  1. Assume Positive Intent

We work to see the ways in which people are motivated by a desire for positive outcome.  Even when the desire for positive interaction may be well hidden under layers of anger, distrust, vengeance, or other harmful emotions.  We know that finding the positive will reveal more of the Gods to us than if we allow negative and harmful intent to become our narrative.

  1. Listen

We see listening as one of the highest forms of service to others.  Fully listening to each other and working toward understanding is how we can do the work of the Gods.  By giving each other a space to be, and to share their experience we all learn.  Active listening is beneficial not only to the listener but to the person who is sharing their truth.  

  1. Do your best

We do not expect ourselves or our fellow members to be perfect.  We do expect them to try to do their best, and to keep striving to do better.

  1. Be Open to change

Be open to change. Be open to being wrong. Know that you are not done in life, in learning, in practicing, in being human. Being open to change means that you are open to alternative perspectives. You are willing to improve, you are open to feedback, you are be open to knowing better. This is how we avoid the ego overcoming our senses. This is how we accomplish number 9 and keep improving.

  1. Improve

No one has mastered life, the universe and everything.  When you know better, do better.

  1. To KnowTo Will To Dare To Keep Silent

We hold the foundation of the witches pyramid to be essential to success.  Members are encouraged To Know.To Will.To Dare. And To Keep Silent.

  1. We seek to be in harmony with nature, and act as stewards of the earth. We practice rites to attune us with the natural rhythm of life forces marked by the phases of moon and the cycles of the sun.
  2. We are participants in Neo-Paganism, a modern religion with a philosophical lineage based in historical theology and with a distinct literary tradition.
  3. The Council is to be respected as the authority in matters relating to this code, and the Temple at large.

The Church Council shall have the duty and the right to adjudicate matters between members, determine accolades and censure as appropriate. Members are required to adhere to the decisions made by the Council as it pertains to their interactions with Temple of Wytchery, their activities, and interaction between members, as dictated in the bylaws of the Temple of Wytchery and this document.


Members of the Temple of Wytchery, or any of its organizations, are subject to disciplinary action if they violate this code or the bylaws of the Temple of Wytchery. 

Disciplinary action will be determined by the Church Council per the bylaws of the church.  

To address issues as they are presented, the High Preistess is granted the authority to issue preliminary discipline with the approval of at least one other Council member. This discipline is to take immediate effect, and to be reviewed at earliest meeting of the Church Council.  

Any disciplinary action taken by the High Priestess is subject to review, and can be appealed to the Church Council. Any action taken by the High Priestess and deemed to be an overstepping of authority, is subject to censure by 2/3rds majority of the Church Council, and will require remediation as appropriate.

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